Boworn Chanpokapaiboon, Managing Director of Bowornvej Thai Herb tells DITP Think Thailand how his Thai traditional herbal remedies have won over customers’ hearts.

Could you tell us a little bit about Bowornvej Thai Herb?

When my mother became paralysed 15 years ago, I decided to study Thai traditional medicine because I wanted to cure and take care of her. After graduation, I opened a private vocational school to teach students about Thai traditional medicine for free, as well as setting up Bowornvej Thai Herb in 2009 to produce and distribute Thai traditional medicine.

What are your products?

Currently, my company offers Thai traditional medicine made from a variety of Thai herbs to cure several symptoms and diseases, such as gastro-esophageal reflux, haemorrhoids, allergies, sore muscles, and many others. Our medicine is certified by Thai FDA. While most of our products are distributed only in Thailand, we have also exported our herbal massage oil for relieving sore muscles and joints to other countries. It is a bestselling product in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

What makes your company stay competitive in the marketplace?

In this business, quality and effective treatment are very important, helping the business stay competitive in the long term. When customers use our products and their symptoms are cured or relieved, they will tell their friends and relatives to use them too. It is word-of-mouth marketing. Moreover, before entering any target markets, we survey the market in order to learn and understand the needs of customers. Because of that, we can supply products to suit their preferences. For example, we plan to export instant powder drink with bitter gourd extract, which helps reduce the blood glucose level, to India where a lot of people suffer from diabetes.

What are your future plans for Bowornvej Thai Herb?

We plan to extend our business into international markets, particularly in ASEAN countries, China and India. By doing that, we have to widen our product lines to cosmetics and supplementary food. Now, we are setting up three new factories for producing cosmetic products, supplementary food and instant powder drink. In October 2019, we will launch new products such as instant powder drink with bitter gourd extract for people with diabetes, ginger instant powder drink, bergamot instant power drink and aroma cream for sore muscles and joints. With these new products, by 2023, we expect to generate 60% of total sales from the international market, up from 10% currently.

How does the DITP support your business?

By attending DITP’s trade fairs and business matching activities domestically and internationally, we have met many potential business partners and received useful information for improving our products and business.

For more information, please email: [email protected]

Words by Somhatai Mosika